Thursday, August 7, 2008

Movin' n' Grovin'

Gracie has been a big help with Mckenzie lately. since she has started "creeping" Gracie follows her around and plays with her...its great!!! today kenzie got herself stuck under a chair in the dinning room. Gracie brought her a block to play essential in that situatioon, ha ha ha!! Mckenzie did just turn 8 month on the 1st of this month, and she really is moving. this is a video of her going after her block, and one of queenie's balls. and just check out the smile!!

Company Picnic

Every year, jordan's company has a fantastic picnic. this year it was on august 3rd. we have so much fun every time, but this year was the best yet. our friends, the ritenburg's, go every year b/c peter works with jordan. rachael is one of my best friends, and thier daughter hailey is gracies BEST buddy. we go and eat some great food, climb rock walls, ride ponies, swim, play games, get a BUNCH of free goodies (toys for the girls) face painting....everything.

Sorry you have to watch the rock wall one sideways, but it is so funny. after only a few attempts, she was able to scale this wall in under 30 seconds. we were so proud of her. but a bit thrown back by her insistance of independence. she is growing up so fast. and just look at the kid...she looks like a natural, with the hat, and the sandals. just tooooo cute

Gracie had so much fun that she completely left consciousness...with a chip in her hand (untouched) not a minute after she asked for it

We had such a great time as a family!! Praise God for this oportunity every year!

yummy baby!!

there is one more photo that jordan is in love with and would like me to put it on, here it is.....

...she is sooooooooo yummy
jordan calls this her "curious george face"

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Summer Fun

Oh Boy!!! It has been a great summer so far. It is a bunch of my favorite weather....rainy. Lots of thunder. Jordan and i both love sleeping during storms, and both of the girls are proving to be like mommy and daddy with that. Gracie likes watching the rain on the livingroom windows.

We have been working on our garden, spending time with eachother, and with our friends and family. Our friends Nick and Liz are getting married at the end of august, and we have been having them over as much as we can b/c we know that after they hear wedding bells, we will not see them for a it should be. Anyways...Liz is an amazing photographer, and she has taken some great pics of me for jordan, and also a bunch of black and white of Mckenzie, and a few, so far, of Gracie. now i just have to pick what i want printed...there are so many beautiful ones to choose one. Here are just a couple:

Gracie decided to take her clothes off and come down the stair like that after her nap on a Sunday afternoon a few weeks ago

Gracie loves her sister soooo much!!

We also got to go to the beach..were gracie would NOT get out of the water even though it was almost over her head with the waves, and she looked soooo cold. that silly girl.

and we had fun at the zoo together too.

she loved hangin' out w/ daddy, and pointing at all the cool animals.