Friday, October 24, 2008

WOW!!!!! We have had a busy, but wonderful summer. Our garden provided, well God did, really. We got to spend time outside weeding ever few days. But boy, soooo much rain. One thing that we did get to do, is scope out some new cool playgraounds for the girls. We found a great one, not too far away, that has a rock wall that gracie is addicted to. Kenzie loved watching her sister, and falling asleep in the swings.

Gracie has been starting to do better with the potty, and this is one of the funny pics that we got of her..Just like daddy!! ha ha ha!
She has grown up so much, in so many ways. 1st, she grew 2 1/2 in 4 months. she is huge! she has become the best "little mommy" to kenzie. it is beautiful to watch the compassion that God has instilled in her. she helps me do everything with her. feeding, changing. she even nurses her babies when i am nursing the baby, who is no longer such a "baby" anymore herself. she has also grown a ton. at 16.12lbs, she is starting to walk with our hands and doing a great job of it. she gets up and walks around the furniture, crawls all over, and will eat ANYTHING! They are both changing.

As for Jordan and i, he is in a bible study right now about Godly leadership on Sunday nights, and he is loving it. he gets to a cigar with his dad every Tuesday, and he gets..plenty..of time with the girls in the evenings now, because i am a busy girl lately. I was offered an invitation from the Buffalo Philharmonic Chorus, to be a 1st soprano. we rehearse every Monday, and a few days in a row around the time of concerts, all of which are performed with the BP Orchestra. It is a wonderful challenge for me. I'm loving that about it.

I have a ton more pics to post, and i will get to that later on. the In-Laws are joining us for dinner tonight, and i am MAKING pizza, and wings (baked, i know, not the Buffalo way!) so i has some prep to do while the girls are down for a nap.