Thursday, September 9, 2010

Home Birth of "Big Ben"

This is the slideshow from the birth of our son, Benjamin. The photos were taken by our WONDERFUL friend, Liz. We would never have wanted this birth to be any different. Another beautiful homebirth, of ANOTHER big baby :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Baby Pelka

Our newest member...still cookin' :)

Long time, no post :)

WOW!!! It has been sooooooooooo long since i wrote last. So much has happened. The girls are getting bigger everyday, and so is marks the start of my 30th week of our 3rd pregnancy. Mckenzie is potty trained...YESSSSSS :), and Gracie has become the best big sister ever! The girls love to play together, watch movies together, pretend to have babies together, read books together, etc... They are such a joy.

For the last 2 weeks now, the girls have both had hand, foot and mouth stinks. they have sores in their mouths that hurt them, and it keeps them from eating much; just drinking...poor babies. But, Praise the Lord, Kenzie is starting to feel better, Grace, not so much yet, but hopefully that day is soon. It has just been a few weeks of lots of books, movies, and cuddles on the couch. Not much housework is getting done, but i think i should use this to get some rest myself ;)

It is nice that we are enjoying some down time together now. We just got ALL of the supplies delivered the other day for our roof and for our fence; both of which need to be done within the next couple of weeks...ahhhh! We will have a busy daddy living with us. I cant help jordan get anything done out there, except for planting the garden (soon), but i can at least hav a really good reason to have the girls outside for hours at a time, and they will be spending time with least while he is putting up the fence next week. While the girls are down for their nap latter on today, we are going out to the yard and marking out exactly where the holes need to be for the posts. We found a guy, who comes highly recomended and is very reasonable in price, to come and dig the holes for us...thank goodness. With the tree that we have next door, it would have taken jordan age to dig all the ones that we need. Holes and posts on tuesday, fence up on wednesday. YAAAAAAYYYY!!! Gracie keeps saying that she is excited that we are getting a "new back yard":) cutie.

On the baby front, we did have an ultrasound, and while we were there, the tech turned on the 3D imaging. Apparently our next little wonder likes to suck on his/her toes and looks so much like daddy. The girls came with us, and just like when we visit the midwife's office, their favorite part was listening to the baby's heart beat. The tech said that is is the prettiest heart she had seen in a long time. I am so in love with this baby already. Grace is addicted to kissing my belly, and is SO proud that she is going to be mommy's doula for this labor. She loves to tell me how she is going to help daddy help catch the baby, and she wants to be the one to tell us what the sex is. I love it!

Well speaking of those little beauties, i need to go and feed them lunch and get them ready for that nap.